Title: Getting support by phone
Last Updated: 9-5-2023
Applicable to: Camin Cargo Employees
The preferred and fastest way to get support is by using the Camin Cargo Control Support Desk portal. Using the phone is reserved for emergency situations where you need immediate assistance only. Calling support by the phone may still send you to voicemail where a support ticket will be automatically created.
You will learn how to contact the Camin Cargo Control Support Desk by phone.
- Dial the following number;
- If nobody answers, please leave a voicemail. Voicemails are converted into a support ticket and sent to the Support Desk. A technician will pick up your ticket and make you the requester on the ticket. At that point you will receive an email with the ticket number.
- If your support case is an emergency we recommend still logging a ticket. That will ensure your case is routed to the appropriate technician as soon as possible. Technician on call rotations are built into the Support Desk ticketing system.
- If your support case is an emergency we recommend still logging a ticket. That will ensure your case is routed to the appropriate technician as soon as possible. Technician on call rotations are built into the Support Desk ticketing system.
- Alternatively, you can access the Support Desk portal with this direct link; https://camincargo.rmmservice.com/ and log a ticket. This is the preferred method.
The support portal remains the fastest way to get support, even for emergency cases. Calling the Support Desk may still results in delays based on the workload of technicians. Logging a ticket allows technicians to immediately review your ticket and prioritize it correctly.
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